How Big do Frontosa Cichlids Get?

Frontosa Cichlids are one of the biggest African cichlids. They do very well in a semi-aggressive community aquarium. They can live with other Tanganyika cichlids but should be kept with tankmates of the same kind of temperament and size.

Frontosa Cichlids are territorial and semi-aggressive towards their own kind as well as towards other species. Tankmates must be large enough to defend themselves from a Frontosa. But, how big do Frontosa Cichlids actually get?

What Is The Average Size Of A Frontosa?

The average size of a Frontosa is about 8 inches (20 cm) long and weighs about 2 lbs (1 kg).

What is the Biggest Frontosa Cichlid?

The largest Frontosa Cichlids ever recorded were about 12 inches (30 cm) in length and weighed about 3 lbs (1.4 kg).

How Fast do Frontosa Cichlids Grow?

Frontosa cichlids do not grow very fast. They can grow to be quite large, but they will only reach sexual maturity at around 2-3 years old. Their growth rate slows down after they reach sexual maturity.

Why did Frontosa Cichlid Stop Growing?

A Frontosa cichlid will stop growing when it reaches the maximum size it can grow into. This is called the terminal length and is predetermined by its species and genetics. The terminal length can vary from species to species, but it’s usually around 8-12 inches (20-30 cm). You can measure your frontosa cichlid’s length to see if it’s close to the terminal length.

How to Speed Up Frontosa Cichlid Growth Rate?

As mentioned before, Frontosa Cichlids are slow-growing fish. It is not recommended to keep them in small tanks as they need a lot of space and time to reach maturity. Make sure you can provide them with these conditions.

If you want to make your Frontosa Cichlid grow faster, you should feed it with high-quality food and avoid overstocking.

What Tank Size is Best for a Frontosa Cichlid?

Frontosas need a tank that is at least 75 gallons. They need a lot of space to swim around and plenty of hiding places, so the bigger the tank the better.

These fish also like to dig around in the substrate, so make sure they don’t have any sharp rocks or anything else they could injure themselves with.

These fish are pretty messy eaters, so make sure you clean their tank regularly. If you don’t do this, their waste will build up and cause an ammonia spike that could kill them. Also, these fish will pick on smaller fish if they are not given enough space.

Male or Female Frontosa Grow Bigger In Size?

The male Frontosa are known to grow bigger in size than the female Frontosa. Female Frontosas will grow up to 6-8 inches in size, while males can reach even 12 inches.

How do Big Can Frontosa Cichlids get in a 75 Gallon Tank?

As mentioned before, the bare minimum is a 75-gallon tank for Frontosa cichlids. You should note, however, that in smaller tank sizes, these fish will never get to their full length. From my research, I found out the Frontosa cichlids kept in 75-gallon tanks will grow up to 8 inches in size.

Compared to other cichlids, this is still considered big, however in larger tank, Frontosas can grow even bigger.

What to Feed Frontosa Cichlids for Growth?

These fish are omnivores, but they prefer to eat meat over plants. They will eat sinking pellets, frozen foods, vegetables, and live foods. Frontosas are aggressive feeders and will try to eat anything that comes their way, so be careful with smaller fish that are not as well protected as larger fish or strong breeds of fish.

It’s best to feed these guys early in the morning before they get hungry because once their stomach starts growling, it will be difficult for them to stop eating anything you put in front of them! These guys tend to eat food quickly so it’s important to have a large variety of food available at one time.

With a high variety and quality food, you can make your Frotosa cichlids grow faster, however for faster growth a big tank is also required.


Being one of the biggest African cichlids, Frontosas need a lot of space. Don’t buy them unless you can provide them with the proper tank and care. If you have any questions leave a comment below or send me an email.

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I’m Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). I’ve been a volunteer at Rex Animal Rescue for over 2 years. I love learning and writing about different animals that can be kept as pets. read more...

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