Do Ferrets Require Vaccination? Facts to Consider
Like any other pets, ferrets require an annual examination by an exotic veterinarian. During the procedure, the vet conducts an overall body assessment to detect and treat any health condition.
It is vital to understand that ferrets are susceptible to contagious diseases like rabies and influenza. So, getting your pet ferrets vaccinated for these and other ailments should be on the top of your list.
When Do you Need to Vaccinate a Ferret?
In a normal instance, a ferret gets canine distemper and rabies vaccinations once a year. The best time to give the canine distemper vaccine is at around 8, 11, and 14 weeks after birth. During that time, vets advocates for 1 ml shots given four times within three weeks.
Currently, FDA has only approved one rabies vaccine in the USA for ferrets. Fromm-D and Fervac-D are the most prevalent and preferred canine distempers. However, if unavailable, your vet should administer another option like the Galaxy-D vaccine.
Note that the best type of canine distempers originates from rabies cells chick embryo. Therefore, vaccines used for other pets like dogs and cats would not give the desired results since they contain different components.
If you happen to give your ferret’s vaccines meant for other animals, it may lead to a severe reaction like seroconversion. This is where the viral infection antibodies become visible in a ferret’s body through blood tests.
Remember that if your ferrets never received the jabs in their early days, your vet should give two shots in three weeks and then combine them with yearly boosters. For those vaccinated before, it is important to give repeat boosters every year.
The rabies vaccine is another vital practice that you should not miss. In most cases, vets use the same rabies vaccine for cats and dogs. The most effective time to administer is between 14 and 16 weeks of age. Here, your ferret should receive repeat two or three weeks later and then once every year.
One popular rabies vaccine for your ferret is the Imrab-3. While you may give it to other pets at three years, the best time to administer it to a ferret is within the first year.
In all ferret vaccines, experts advise for a few weeks’ spacing to prevent severe reactions to the drug. It is also possible to alter your ferret’s vaccine schedule or combine them all into one day. However, confirm with your vet the best and sufficient time to administer them.
Cost of Ferret Vaccines
While most people perceive ferrets as less costly pets to keep, there is more to it. From the annual tests, boosters, and special food, you may have to cough more than you anticipated.
Bear in mind that the yearly checkup charges depend on the state you live in, the type of vaccine, and the vet’s cost. On average, a session with an animal expert may range from $15 to $ 20 for every ferret. Nonetheless, you need to contact your local vet for the correct quote.
To minimize your vet charges, you should keep them healthy and happy every day. Start by daily cleaning of the cage and emptying the litter pan. Every week, thoroughly wash the beddings to minimize the odors. Also, avoid bathing them too often as it strips off natural oil and exposes them to skin diseases.
Influenza Vaccine for Ferrets
Experts have faced huge challenges in influenza research. One of them is finding a suitable animal model that can help scientists find a viable solution. Amongst other animals used, ferrets are considered as the most applicable small-bodied animal model.
It is important to note that an infected human being can spread the virus to the house’s ferrets. As a result, the infected ferret may display similar symptoms to those experienced by humans. It is also possible for ferrets to spread influenza to other people who come into contact.
Despite scientists running several analyses on probable treatment, there still no influenza vaccine for ferrets. In 2019, experts ran a vaccine experiment on 16 ferrets in San Francisco. Later, the animals experienced adverse side effects like extreme weight loss and lung virus.
Since there is no known influenza medication for ferrets, the best thing to do is protect them from getting infected. One effective way is to get vaccinated for influenza every year. In case you get infected, get treated soonest and avoid coming into close contact with your fuzzy friends.
Do Ferrets Need Vaccines Annually?
While your local vet may insist on annual vaccine boosters, there is no documentation to support the claim. In a study done at the University of Pittsburg, animal experts found that four years after receiving the annual boosters for distemper, 35 ferrets out of the 38 vaccinated still had protective antibodies.
It is well known that when a virus gets introduced into the body, the immune system’s memory cells continue to produce antibodies against the virus. Therefore, if your ferret receives the juvenile starter shot vaccine and a booster every year, they are sorted for life.
The only drawback with an annual vaccine is that the flu virus mutates from time to time. So, even if you receive your yearly shot, there is a slight chance that you may expose your ferret to influenza.
On any vaccination, your ferret may develop some slight reactions to the drug. If your ferret experiences serious effects after the first one, there is a higher probability that it would worsen in the subsequent years.
On that note, it is safer to protect them from getting rabies or distemper rather than exposing them to harsh side effects. Additionally, avoid giving your yearly boosters to sickly, injured, pregnant, or stressed ferrets as it may complicate the issue more.
Apart from giving your ferrets a healthy meal and a clean environment, annual vaccines are vital. While your pet may react differently to rabies or distemper vaccines given, it is important to contact a qualified vet for a fulfilling experience.
The best thing to do is observe your ferret for a few hours after the shot. If they become excessively lethargic, vomits, appear weak, or develop breathing problems, rush them back to the vet.