How to Get Rid of Mites on Hamsters?

It comes as no surprise that most families prefer hamsters over other pets. After all, who would not get lured by this charming, inquisitive and cuddly character? On that note, I do not want to burst your bubble. But, save for their cuteness, your little hammy friend may attract a huge mite infestation in your house.

That means that apart from taking care of the nutrition and housing needs, you also need to prepare for a probable mites infestation. A handful of mites may not bother them much, but it may affect their general well-being as the numbers increase.

Mainly, mites attack on your hamster starts from improper grooming, weak immune system, or stress. However, if handled promptly, you may manage to save your pet from severe health distress.

Please also note, that besides mites, hamsters can also have fleas, so make sure you identify and treat the problem accordingly.

We will brief you on the warning signs and cleaning tips on eradicating mites from your pets and home in this context.

Signs of Mites on Your Hamster

Since mites are very tiny, it is not always easy to detect them with the naked eye. Worse, the Demodex class of mites, which normally affect hamsters, is far much smaller than others. This makes it more complicated to detect the issue, especially in the early stages.

The first warning sign you may notice on your hamster is redness around the tail, face, and feet. Then, the skin may appear inflamed from intense scratching on the infected areas.

In frustration, the poor animal may try to rub their skins on the edges in the cage aggressively. Sometimes, they may nimble on their skin, causing bruises.

If the mite issue is not controlled on time, hamsters develop rough and crusty skin. This often leads to extreme hair loss around the rump and backside. Note that when mites enter inside the hamster’s ear, the outcome is darkish earwax.

To detect the tiniest mites on your pet’s skin, part the fur with a comb and use a magnifying glass. Another effective way is to brush the fur against a white paper. Then, using a magnifying glass, you may spot the parasites on the paper.

How to Treat Mites on Your Hamster?

There are different types of mite species. To completely eradicate them from your house, you need to identify the particular species in your house. That way, it becomes easier to get the right treatment for them.

Generally, vets recommend gerbil mite or medicated hamster sprays, ointments, and shampoos. When it comes to removing mites from a hamster’s ears and nose, ivermectin ointment is an ideal solution.

It is important to note that mite’s removal dosages are tailored according to your hamster’s size and breed. Therefore, ensure that you follow the prescribed amount to avoid adverse reactions.

Remember that mites thrive from drawing blood from their victims. So, if you have other pets, you should treat them for mites as well.

Then, move to the environment around. The most effective way is to sanitize all the areas that your pet spends most of the time. Using hot soapy water, you can scrub the cage with everything inside. This includes the food pans, water bottles, litter box, toys, and beddings.

Afterward, it would help if you sprayed the recommended spray from a reliable vet. To avoid re-infestation, invite your vet to examine the progress and ensure that your efforts did not go in vain.

How to Clean off Mites in Your House?

Due to their miniature size, mites may remain unnoticed in your houses for a long time. Here are some quick tips on how to eliminate them from your house.

– Take Away Clutter

There are more than 57,000 species of mites. So, if you keep heaps of laundry, books, or litter, you give the numerous tiny parasites an ideal breeding spot.

Mites love hiding under the carpet, beddings, dusty attics, air ducts, and almost anywhere in your house. The quickest solution is to declutter and organize your stuff.

– Often Dusting and Vacuuming

Make it a routine to thoroughly clean your house every week. Do not forget to touch on the carpets, seats, and blinds. It is worth noting that mites burrow or hang into any fabric. To remove them, use a strong vacuum cleaner regularly.

Then dust on any stationary objects such as picture frames, cabinets, telephones, and others. Using a damp rag is the best way to remove the mites as you do not lift them into the air.

– Spray Mite Treatment

Decluttering and dusting your house may not remove all the mites’ remnants. Instead, consult a qualified drug house or vet on the best spray to use.

Primarily, an expert would consider the species in your house before prescribing any solution. That way, you may use the correct instruction and dosage to solve the menace for good.

Can Hamsters Die From Mites?

An invasion of mites may not kill your hamster instantly. Even so, it may expose your pets to several health implications, which may lead to a slow death. Given that mites feed on blood, several parasites on a tiny hamster may result in anemia.

Additionally, the excessive scratching from mite bites may irritate the skin resulting in other complications.

Are Hamster Mites Dangerous to Humans?

Not all mite species may jump from your hamster to you all other animals in the house. All the same, most mites are zoonotic, meaning that they can spread all over.

When it happens, your skin may feel itchy or develop red bumps soon after a mite bite. This may last for a couple of days, then it subsidies on its own.

Remember that mites may enter your ears and give you an infection. Since mites require a host to live, they may end up hopping from one person to another which may end up worsening the situation.

Bottom Line

It may take you a couple of weeks to clear an invasion in your house. This is because with thousands of different mite’s species, you need to use the right approach to eradicate them for good.

Principally, it starts from regular cleaning of your house and hamster’s cage. Then, consult a well-qualified vet for a lasting solution.

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Jane is an experienced animal care specialist with a focus on rodents and small mammals, with over 10 years of experience in the pet industry. Her articles provide practical guidance on choosing the right pet and managing common health issues. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. read more...

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