Why do Hamsters Squeak, Chirp? 5 Things to Know About
Have you ever walked next to your hamsters’ cage only to hear them make a high-pitched or faint chirping sound? If yes, you are not alone.
These pets are known for chirping at different times of the day and if you are not used to them you might end up asking yourself why they are doing so.
Hamsters have a complex language that includes squealing, hissing, chirping, and growling. These sounds will indicate when a hamster is startled, distressed, frightened, or agitated.
Hamsters can squeak if they are happy or angry, which makes it a bit challenging to determine if the noise is a distress call.
A single and small chirp or squeak is thought to be a way hamsters communicate with each other. However, when kept alone they sometimes make this type of noise.
So if you pass-by their cages they might be trying to say “hi” to you.
Loud squealing is another type of noise hamsters make. In most cases, they squeal loudly when you try to pick them up. This is a sign that tells you they are scared and it’s normal for most animals.
The right way to get hold of them is to gently scoop them up and hold them calmly until they stop making noise. Make this procedure a routine until they get used to you whenever you pick them up.
The other type of noise hamsters make is the agitated squeaks. This noise falls between a sustained squeal and a single chirp.
It signifies agitation or aggression, especially when bringing them home for the first time. Once used to their new environment, they will stop making such noise and behave normally.
5 Most Common Reasons Why Hamsters Squeak
Here are possible reasons why hamsters squeak or chirp:
– Hamsters Communicate Through Squeaking
Hamsters communicate with one another via body language and sounds. You may hear squeaking sounds if you have kept multiple hamsters in one cage.
You may also witness loud vocalization if the hamsters are playing, but ensure that it does not result in fighting. Dwarf hamsters have been known to squeak if they are happy to see each other.
– Hamsters Will Squeak When in Danger or Trapped
A hamster’s squeak may be a sign of distress or pain. The squeal can be loud and continuous and even sound like a scream. In some cases, you may see the hamster running crazy or trying to hide, which may indicate an injury.
If your pet keeps vocalizing, take them to a vet to rule out injury or illnesses. Ensure that the hamster is not being attacked by others or being handled roughly by toddlers.
– Hamsters Squeak When Breeding
Hamsters also make mating calls, which can be persistent and loud. The male will sit upright if he hears a female on heat call.
Hamsters are quick breeders as the process only takes about 30 minutes. Separate the mating pair as soon as one loses interest since the female can get aggressive and attack the male.
The female also squeaks when she goes into labor, but it is vital to leave her alone during the birthing process. Female hamsters prefer to give birth in isolation without any distraction.
– Hamsters Squeak When Stressed
Hamsters will quickly get stressed if they are overcrowded, or if they are being bullied. hamsters love to play around, and they need ample space to explore.
One hamster needs at least 360 square inches of floor space to be comfortable, and you need to provide a spacious cage to keep multiple of them.
Do not keep two male hamsters together, as one can try and dominate the other. The subordinate hamster will escape and hide around the enclosure and squeak in distress.
– Hamsters Will Squeak When Playing
A squeaking sound may indicate enthusiastic playfulness between hamsters housed together. hamsters will engage in playtime sessions that can include wrestling matches.
You may see your pets chasing each other while making high-pitched squeals, and they can even pin each other down for grooming. The subordinate hamster will likely squeal in submission.
These harmless fights can, however, escalate quickly and become dangerous.
The dominant hamster will try to bite the underbelly of the other hamster, and they can engage in a long fight if none of the animals surrenders. You may have to separate the hamsters if they keep fighting.
Why do Hamsters Squeak When Touched?
If your hamster squeaks when you pick them up, they may be frightened or not in a mood to entertain. Hamsters may become aggressive if they are handled too roughly.
Your pet will squeak continuously when you first bring them home. It will take some time for your hamsters to acclimatize to the new environment, just like humans.
Leave them alone for several days before trying to handle them.
Use soft and smooth tones when trying to interact with your hamster as you want to come across as non-threatening. Approach your pets cautiously and avoid sneaking upon them.
The best approach is to let the animals see your hand before approaching them.
Let the pets smell your hands and come to you, but do not try to pick them up for the first few days. Leave your hands limp in the cage for several days so that your hamster does not think that it will get grabbed.
Once your hamster has become accustomed to your scent, you can pick them up by creating a cave with your hands. You may have to place a treat on your hands to lure them.
How do You Make Your Pet Hamster Stop Squeaking?
You need to determine why your hamster is squeaking and address the cause. A hamster can squeal if they are excited or frightened, or they may be trying to get your attention.
A persistent squeak may be a cause for concern, and your pet may need the evaluation of a vet.
Do Hamsters Squeak When They are Dying?
Hamsters squeak when they are feeling discomfort or pain. Little squeaks can also signal death, along with labored breathing and wheezing.
It is advisable to take your hamster to the vet if you notice any unusual behavior.
Hamsters often squeak in excitement, but they also squeal if they are in pain or are being bullied. The occasional squeak is fine, but you should be concerned if it is persistent.
If you have several hamsters together in a cage, observe them for any signs of fighting or injury.