Are Leopard Geckos Nocturnal or Diurnal?
Leopard geckos popularly known as Leos have the most interesting pesky personality and way of walking. Originally from Asia, their white, yellow and black spots skin is a sight to behold.
For a long time, Leos sleeping pattern has been a serious bone of contention. While some individuals presume Leopard geckos as nocturnal, others speculate between crepuscular and diurnal. Keep following as we shed more light on the actual leopard geckos sleeping habit.
Crepuscular vs Nocturnal Animals
Leos spend their days curled up in their enclosures or under the rocks, sleeping. That sounds very nocturnal, but surprisingly, they are not. Before we proceed, do you clearly understand nocturnal and crepuscular sleeping habits?
Nocturnal creatures sleep during the day and become active at dusk. Contrarily, Leopard geckos come out and become more active around dawn and dusk. This is an accurate description of crepuscular species.
Still, nocturnal animals have distinct characteristics like large ears and eyes to help them hear and see better in the dark. From a physical assessment, leopard geckos do not possess such features.
Despite the confusion, this justification concludes that this uniquely beautiful reptile is indeed crepuscular.
Leopard Gecko Sleeping Habits
To most people, Leos seem to be very sleepy reptiles. Sometimes, deep in their slumber, they appear so still and lifeless. This has been a common cause of alarm, both for experienced and novice pet owners.
Due to their crepuscular nature, your little friend will only become active during the twilight hours. The primary reason behind this habit is that there is minimal competition for food at night in the wild. Most impressive, there is less risk of becoming prey to predators like snakes and foxes.
In an actual sense, the vanishing sunlight at dawn and dusk makes it almost impossible for nocturnal and diurnal animals to see and hunt. This allows wild leos to enjoy uninterrupted moments to eat to their full and interact with others.
Either in the wild or in captivity, a healthy gecko should appear peaceful and relaxed when sleeping. In normal circumstances, leos sleep an average of 12 hours daily. If they appear sluggish, probably, there is an underlying problem.
Do Leopard Geckos Need Light at Night?
Natural light acts as a guide to leopard geckos night and day patterns. While some pet owners opt to install red lights in the enclosure, it is really unnecessary. After all, any sort of light will put your little friend in a point of confusion.
Probably, they may assume that is daytime already and retreat into their hiding spots. Then when sunlight peeps in at dawn and the artificial light dims out, your leo may prolong its hiding duration, waiting for darkness.
In the long run, there is an increased probability of your pet becoming stressed leading to unhealthy sleeping cycles. Arguably, some pet owners place light in their gecko’s cages for viewing at night. Lights also provide extra warmth during the cold seasons.
However, there are potential problems brought about by lighting the cages. With minimal time to feed and drink water, there is an enhanced risk for nutrient deficiency ailments. Also, thermoregulation may become an enormous challenge if your leo struggles to determine day and night.
Can Leopard Geckos See in the Dark?
While other animals struggle in the dark, leopard geckos thrive in it. In reality, their ability to see at night enables them to have an upper hand. This becomes because their eyes positioned at the sides of the head give them an excellent scope of vision.
In the wild, they use this advantage to hunt and just have a good time. When kept as pets, night vision allows them to move around the enclosure with ease. Akin to cats and other great-sighted creatures, this special ability helps them survive in environments that few would endure.
Living in the wild with several predators on their neck, seeing in the dark is more of a survival tactic. Since it is a skill they mastered centuries ago, it is vital to keep them in an environment closest to their natural habitat.
Unfortunately, this curious-looking little pet suffers from frequent eye ailments. Mostly caused by environmental factors and inferior husbandry, contact a specialist immediately you notice something unusual.
Last Words
Given that leopard geckos get minimal exposure to sunlight in the wild, they do not need any sort of light in captivity.
Even without vitamin D from sunlight, you can supplement it with dietary supplements. Most effectively, gut-load your feeders to ensure that your pet receives maximum benefits from them.
Altogether, leopard geckos are low-maintenance pets that can live up to 20 years. With no toe pads, it is not possible for them to climb out of the enclosure and escape. For such a fascinating reptile pet, ensure that you offer them a life of ease and comfort.