Do Pacman Frogs Need Heat? 5 Things to Consider

If you are preparing your newly bought terrarium (or to adapt an old one) to accommodate your new Pacman frog pet, you are probably wondering about many things. One of the most common questions that potential owners ask themselves is: do Pacman frogs need heat?

Pacman frogs do need heating and stable temperature in order to stay healthy and happy. As any other type of cold-blooded animal, Pacman frogs need to live under certain temperature ranges to function properly.

First of all, heat will help them to properly digest food and keep them healthy, but also to allow easier movements. In brief words, heat is an essential part of the conditions that every owner needs to provide to their pet frogs.

Best Heat Source for Pacman Frogs

The most recommendable heat source for these colorful pets is a heating mat.

This innovative heat source provides an easy setup for the owners, and a constant temperature level for the frog. Heating mats are placed not inside the tank, but rather below it, so there is no danger of your frog to get in contact with it and get burnt.

However, some owners prefer placing such mats on the side of the tank, instead at the bottom. With Pacman frogs being buried most of the time, it seems that having a heater below the tank can sometimes be too close.

Our first choice is the Zoomed Reptitherm Undertank Heater. It can easily be found online and is super affordable. This heating product is very convenient- it is simple to setup; it does not spend a lot of electricity and is extremely reliable.

What is best about such heat source is that maintaining a constant temperature level with no oscillations is a piece of cake with it.

The Zoomed Reptitherm Undertan Heater is ideal for standard Pacman frog enclosures and will do more than fine for ten- or twenty-gallon tanks, although it can be found in different options, too.

It already comes with all necessary mounting features and is ideal for glass enclosures and terrariums.

Nonetheless on the chosen heat source, it is crucial for the owners to keep an eye at the heating levels all the time. Such thing is simplest to do with the help of a thermometer.

Simply place one on the inner side of the terrarium and make sure that shown temperature ranges are always appropriate. And, while choosing your thermometer, we highly suggest one of those that can at the same time act as a hygrometer as well.

Your pet frog will need some misting too, and this will help you to verify if the level of humidity is right.

Best Temperature for Pacman Frogs

The ideal temperature range is universal for all Pacman frog species, but it does differ depending on their age.

For instance, baby frogs require higher levels of warmth in their enclosures, as they are more fragile, and this will help them to grow faster.

If you are thinking of getting yourself a baby frog, the ideal temperature range goes from 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit during daytime, and a range from 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the night.

When it comes to adult Pacmans, the right levels are somewhat lower. A range from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is enough to cover their daily needs, and a range from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit will perfectly imitate jungle nights.

It is extremely important for such temperature levels to be maintained at a constant level, and any oscillations can seriously harm your pets. Or even bring to their death.

Are Aquarium Heaters Good for Pacmans?

Applying aquarium facilities to terrariums can sometimes be handy and cost-efficient.

For example, using a tiny aquarium as the home of your new frog is an acceptable solution. Aquariums do not have side openings or doors, so it may be complicated sometimes when it comes to cleaning, but also for feeding your frog. However, the materials are almost the same and it is safe to adapt your old aquarium to a terrarium.

However, using aquarium heaters in terrariums is always a bad idea. These are intended only to be used in water and need to be completely submerged to function. If they are placed into a terrarium, they will eventually overheat and, consequentially, seriously harm your pet.

Are Heat Lamps Good for Pacman Frogs?

Heat lamps can be a good choice for warming up your terrarium.

On the positive side, heat lamps double as heaters and as light sources, which is great for your frogs. Having a twelve-hour cycle of daylight followed by a twelve-hour cycle of nightlight is what will help your pet frogs to feel as in their natural habitats.

On the other side, however, heat lamps are placed on the inside of the enclosures, at the very top. Consequentially, they often lead to drying the air out, so more frequent misting activities will be necessary to keep the right levels of humidity.

How Long Can Pacmans Go Without Heating?

Depending on the room temperature and humidity levels, Pacman frogs can go just a few days without proper conditions.

Please make sure their ideal temperature is always provided.

What is the Minimum Temperature for Pacman Frogs?

It is essential for every owner to ensure that their adult Pacman frogs always have a minimum temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. All below such levels of heat can seriously endanger the life of your pet.

However, this does not guarantee that your pet frog will be able to live normally and healthy if such temperature level is kept for several days. It is crucial for frogs to have the ideal heat ranges to live healthy and happily.

Wrapping Up

Pacman frogs do need heat.

And not just heat, but also right humidity levels. All this is necessary to obtain a similar environment to their natural one. Without these, your pet frog is seriously in danger. No doubt about that.

So, please do your research before bringing home a new Pacman frog, and do provide it with all necessary facilities for a happy life.

avatar Noah
I’m Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). I’ve been a volunteer at Rex Animal Rescue for over 2 years. I love learning and writing about different animals that can be kept as pets. read more...

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