Can Rabbits Eat Oranges? 5 Things to Consider

Rabbits are herbivores, which mean they have a plant based diet. Rabbits will eat grass, vegetables and fruits too. Most plants are safe for rabbits, however there are toxic plants, which you should avoid.

Rabbits can have oranges, but only as a treat. You should never offer your bunny too much of this citrus, because can cause health issues such as diarrhea, stomach pain and digestive problems.

Rabbits have a sensitive digestive system, so always introduce new food, such as oranges, gradually.

So, now that you know that oranges are safe for rabbits, let’s dig into it deeper and find out how much oranges they can eat and which parts are good for them.

Are Oranges Good for Rabbits?

Oranges contain a high amount of Vitamin C, minerals, fibers and also a good amount of sugar. Oranges actually contain more sugar than strawberries.

Because rabbits produce Vitamin C themselves, they don’t really need to eat food which is rich in Vitamin C. Sugary food can also cause rabbits diabetes and liver problems.

Compared to grass, hay or leafy greens, oranges don’t provide too much nutrition value to rabbits.

So, oranges are not very good for rabbits, but in small amounts they can have this citrus fruit.

Why Are Rabbits Attracted to Oranges?

Rabbits have a good sense of smell and taste, which helps them pick the best food. Oranges have a really strong smell, sweet and sour taste, which makes them very attractive to rabbits.

But not all rabbits are attracted to oranges. In fact, if you offer your bunny a slice of orange and a celery leaf, most likely they will pick the celery.

How Much Orange Can a Rabbit Have?

As mentioned before, oranges should be offered to your bunny only as a treat. Too much orange can cause diarrhea and other health problems.

You can give your pet rabbit 1/3 of a slice of orange. Don’t give orange to your bunny every day; once a week is more than enough.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Oranges?

Baby rabbits should not have oranges, especially when they are very young.

Baby rabbits start eating solids when they are about 2-3 weeks old, and nurse until they are about 6-8 weeks old.

The digestive system of young rabbits is very fragile, so you have limited options when it comes to feeding them.

Oranges will cause baby rabbits diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and eventually death.

I would not recommend feeding oranges to rabbits younger than 6 months old.

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Peels?

Although orange peels are edible and they are safe for both rabbits and humans, they are hard to digest. On top of that, orange peels don’t taste very good, so most likely your bunny will not enjoy eating it.

Orange peels contain a lot of nutrients, but non-organic oranges are treated with chemicals and wax to last longer on the shelves.

By eating the orange peels, these chemicals will end up in the digestive system of your rabbit, which can cause a lot of problems, to their already sensitive digestive system.

I would not recommend feeding orange peels to rabbits at all.

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Leaves?

Orange leaves are also edible, and are not toxic, so technically rabbits can eat orange leaves.

However, I would not recommend feeding them orange leaves, unless you have an orange tree. Most orange leaves that you will find in grocery stores are treated with chemicals, which your rabbits should not eat.

Can Rabbits Drink Orange Juice?

Technically, rabbits can drink fresh orange juice, but it is not very good for them, just for the reasons I mentioned above – high sugar content.

You should never offer a rabbit bottled orange juice, because these contain even more sugar, food coloring and preservatives, which will cause severe digestive problems to your bunnies.

Wrapping Up

As you can tell, I’m not a big fan of giving oranges to rabbits, so I would not recommend this fruit.

If you want, you can try out a small amount, to see how your rabbit reacts, but it would be a much better option to offer them other treats.

Fresh or dried herb leaves are much better for your bunny than oranges.

Hopefully, this article was useful. If you still have any questions, please comment below.

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Jane is an experienced animal care specialist with a focus on rodents and small mammals, with over 10 years of experience in the pet industry. Her articles provide practical guidance on choosing the right pet and managing common health issues. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. read more...

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