How to Trim Your Lionhead Rabbit’s Fur?

If you own a lionhead rabbit which is at least 6 months old, you have certainly noticed until now how much fur they lose when shedding. All rabbits shed twice or more times each year, but lionheads are particular because of their long fur and the manes which are encircling their heads.

Double maned lionheads feature additional fur even around their back bodies, making them seem as they are wearing skirts.

Brushing them regularly is essential, but some owners like to go even a step further and to trim their pets. If you want to know how to trim your lionhead rabbit’s fur, here is all you need to know about that.

Should You Trim Your Lionhead Rabbit’s Fur?

Firstly, let us start with the basic question. Is it really necessary to trim your lionhead rabbit’s fur? Well, it is not a health hazard to leave it long, but it is highly recommendable to trim it.

Lionhead rabbits grow really thick and long fur, so trimming it occasionally will not just make your pet look more decent, but it will also help it to ingest less fur balls and your home to be much cleaner.

As your lionhead pet gets older, you will notice its hair growing longer and longer. This can sometimes represent a potential danger during the shedding months.

Indeed, the longer the fur they shed is, the more hair can be ingested. And ingesting fur balls is something to be avoided, as it can bring to constipation and massive issues in their digestive systems.

Also, trimming will help a lot with having a cleaner home. On one side, your pet will not be able to collect so many bedding and hay residues and spread them all around your living room. And on the other side, there will be so less fur flying around the air once your pet starts shedding.

To conclude, trimming is extremely welcome and helpful both to you and your favorite pet.

Tips on Cutting Lionhead Rabbit’s Hair

If you have decided to cut your rabbit’s hair and to do it by yourself instead of calling a professional, there is nothing to worry about. Trimming is completely safe as long as you are attentive. And the best part is, you do not have to be an experienced hair stylist to do that.

The most important thing is to keep your pet steady and calm, to avoid any unpleasant cuts caused by sudden moves. Rabbits are most comfortable when being on ground, so the best is probably to take a seat and wait for your pet to sit in your lap. That way, you can pet it continuously with one hand while trimming it with the other.

You may use a simple pair of scissors, but it is much better to try with appropriate ones which feature rounded tips. At least until your rabbit does not get completely used to trimming.

To see how that looks in real life, here is a great video showcasing how simple trimming is.

How Often to Trim Your Lionhead Rabbit?

The best rule to follow is to always trim your lionhead rabbit once you notice its fur has grown significantly. This can vary from sub-breed to sub-breed, but also on each individual rabbit.

Brushing is needed at least once a week through the entire year, with the exception of those days when your rabbit is shedding. In that cases, it is necessary to brush it each day. Trimming, however, can be done once the fur grows back long.

Best Trimming Kit for Lionhead Rabbits

As already mentioned, you can basically use any pair of scissors that you already own. However, there are appropriate scissors which are especially designed for trimming pets and we highly recommend using one of those.

The H-Jia Grooming Set is an amazing solution. It is a small investment but it basically lets you get all the grooming products you will ever need.

The scissors are with rounded tips, which makes them super-safe to use on bunnies. Additionally, in this kit you will find a comb as well as a brushing glove. A great all-in-one grooming solution.

Lionhead Bunnies Trimming while Shedding

Small bunnies up to 6 months old usually do not have much fur to shed. However, once they get pass that age, you will be faced with tiny fur tornados at least two times per year.

Indeed, all rabbits shed before wintertime to grow a super-thick and long fur, but also before summertime to allow a thinner fur to grow. Basically, they are doing that to adapt well to the temperature levels across the different seasons.

Some bunnies can even have several smaller sheds besides the two major ones. Other bunnies, which do not get to spend enough time on natural sunlight, can shed all year long but less intensively.

Whatever is the shedding “technique” of your bunny, trimming will ease things by a lot. With shortening your bunny’s hair, you are basically helping it to shed less fur.

Therefore, the possibilities of constipation are extremely low. But not only. Trimming will help so much with having less fur around your home while shedding. And consequentially, less necessity to vacuum.

If you are worried about ruining your lionhead bunny’s stylish haircut, we are pleased to reassure you- its hair will grow back soon enough.

Wrapping Up

Owning a lionhead rabbit means dealing with great compliments from any visitors who may see it, but also with lots of fur.

Indeed, what makes them so special and particularly beautiful is at the same time what causes nightmares to owners during the shedding seasons.

However, there are several things which you can do to deal with all that fur easily.

Brushing your rabbit frequently is a big must and we are sure you already know that. Adding to that, occasional trimming can help even more with lionheads.

It is not that time or cost consuming, especially if you do it on your own. But your bunny will be eternally grateful, and so will your furniture.

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Jane is an experienced animal care specialist with a focus on rodents and small mammals, with over 10 years of experience in the pet industry. Her articles provide practical guidance on choosing the right pet and managing common health issues. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. read more...

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