Why do Baby Mice Chirp? 3 Reasons to Consider

If your pet mice family has been enlarged with a few tiny and super cute baby mice these days, then you probably heard them making noises very similar to chirping. So, why do baby mice chirp?

Baby mice chirp and squeak because they are hungry, they are cold, or just missing their mother. Keep in mind that it is absolutely normal for newborn mice to chirp, and there is nothing to worry about hearing your baby mice make noises.

Like baby birds, who chirp a lot while waiting for their mother in the nest, baby mice will do it because of similar reasons. Mostly, because they need something, and this is their only possible way of communicating it to her.

3 Reasons Why Baby Mice Chirp

As any other healthy baby on the planet, baby mice simply want to eat, to sleep and to cuddle with their mother. Their needs are remarkably simple during their first few weeks of life, so there are basically three reasons only why a baby mouse would be chirping for.

  • Hunger: the ultimate reason why most babies cry. They need to be fed every couple of hours, as their body is quickly evolving. On the other side, they are not able to feed themselves but depend entirely on their mother. And chirping is the ideal way of letting her know they are hungry.
  • Temperature: just as important as hunger. If baby mice are well fed but are placed in a very cold room, their tiny bodies will not be able to digest food, which can often bring to death. That is why keeping their room warm is just as vitally important as providing them food. The ideal temperature range is from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Need for Their Mother: as any other baby, mice babies need their mother, too. If the mother has been away from them for several time already, they will most likely start chirping to call her in. If you think of replacing the mother while she does not come back and you tend to touch her babies, this could bring to serious problems in their relationship. So, the best is simply to make sure she comes back to nurture her babies.

Is it Normal for Baby Mice to Chirp a Lot?

If your baby mice are constantly chirping, it most likely means they are seriously missing something. They sleep most of their day, all softly nestled in their tiny houses.

When their mother leaves, they will often start chirping, to let her know they are either cold or hungry again. If that is happening very often, then yes, something is probably really missing to these babies.

When do Baby Mice Stop Chirping?

The first reason is also the most logical one, probably. Baby mice will stop chirping once they get what they want.

Additionally, they will stop chirping immediately after sensing any kind of danger. To protect themselves from predators, baby mice will freeze and stop making any noise, hoping that this will make the predator go away.

Finally, they will stop chirping after they start feeding themselves independently and moving around their home alone. This mostly happens after their third or fourth week of life. However, some female adult mice can also be heard making chirping noises when being near other adult females, but this happens extremely rarely.

How to Make Baby Mice Stop Chirping?

Some mice owners may get themselves a mouse pet thinking it will be a low-maintenance and silent pet. And after some time, they get baby mice and realize they are not actually as quiet as expected. Add some adult mice wheel spinning to babies chirping, and you got yourself a nice base for stress triggers.

Without any need of panicking, chirping can be stopped, or at least brought to the minimum. As already explained in today’s writing, baby mice chirp when they need something, and this is their only way of communicating that. So, making sure they have all they need, is the one and only way of making their chirping stop.

Make sure their mother is present and that she always has enough food and fresh water. Provide a stress-free environment to her. Additionally, it would be good to separate their father or any other male adult from a different cage.

Always avoid touching and moving babies as much as possible, as this could bring to unintentional harm to the little ones, but also for the mother to stop caring about them (or, in some cases, even to kill them).

Now that their environment is safe, double-check if they have a clean cage and clean sawdust, or whatever other base layer you chose for your mice. The temperature of the room they are living in should never be too cold. Also, try avoiding placing them directly under the window or attached to a fireplace, as this could bring to overheat.

If after providing a safe and comfortable environment for your baby mice you notice they still chirp a lot, or their mother is not nurturing them properly, it is then probably time to intervene.

Wrapping Up

Having a pet family is one the greatest joys that one can have. The moment you wake up and you hear those tiny just born creatures chirping, you realize that you have provided the greatest home for your mice to create new lives.

And having such adorable baby mice in the living room can sometimes be stressful for people. Chirping sounds can be cute at first, but they can also be irritating if such sounds constantly persist.

However, all can be solved and so can be chirping. Such noise is simply the only way in which baby mice can communicate and ask for something they are missing, from food to higher temperatures.

So, by making sure they have all the necessary, you are also reducing their chirping sounds to the minimum. And in just a few weeks of patience, your baby mice will become independent, happy and, consequentially, more silent.

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Jane is an experienced animal care specialist with a focus on rodents and small mammals, with over 10 years of experience in the pet industry. Her articles provide practical guidance on choosing the right pet and managing common health issues. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. read more...

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