My Cat Loves Me Too Much

It is a common misconception that cats don’t care or aren’t affectionate – they can be incredibly loving. However, you may be a cat owner that’s wondering, “what should I do if my cat loves me too much?” Now, what exactly does this mean, and is this behavior normal?

If you are concerned about an overly affectionate cat, then you have come to the right place. Here is everything that you need to be aware of:

Is This Normal?

As mentioned, not all cats are the standoffish characters that people believe them to be. Due to this, having an overly affectionate cat isn’t as unusual as you might think. There are plenty of cat owners who would describe their feline companions as total love bugs.

At the same time, there is just some behavior that can be described as too much. Your cat may appear to be obsessed with you, never giving you a moment’s peace. They may also attempt to get in the way of everything that you are trying to do.

Now, this could be due to behavioral issues. Or, it could be a symptom of a medical condition. If you think that your cat’s love for you is unhealthy, then it is a good idea to get a vet’s opinion. They may do a check-up or run some tests to determine if this is an indication of an underlying health problem.

Reasons Your Cat Loves You So Much

Maybe, your cat is just a little overenthusiastic about their feelings for you. If so, there are a few different reasons for why this may be:

  • Weaned too early
  • Personality of the cat
  • Separation anxiety
  • Lack of attention
  • Older cats

Let’s break this down a bit more…

Weaned Too Early

If your kitten was abandoned when they were very young, it means that they were weaned too early. As a result, they may have not gotten that caring and sense of security that they need. In turn, they may seek this from the human that adopted them.

Furthermore, kittens who have been raised by humans from a very young age may form a stronger bond. This means that they will grow up to be more affectionate cats. There is nothing wrong with this as they are rewarding you for raising them in a safe and caring environment.

Personality of the Cat

Every cat’s personality is different. Therefore, why it is in some cats natures to be aloof, it will be in others to be affectionate and sweet. It could just mean that it is simply the way of your cat. One way to be sure of this is to consider how your cat acts with other people.

Are they equally as affectionate? Do they make an effort to seek attention from your guests or even virtual strangers? If so, you have your answer. Your cat is just one of the friendlier felines around.

Separation Anxiety

If your routine has changed recently or if you are spending longer periods of time away from home, your cat may have developed separation anxiety. This condition is also coupled with additional symptoms like relieving themselves outside of the litter box or even vomiting.

There are a few options here. First, don’t make too much of a fuss of your cat shortly before leaving them or after returning from home. Instead, show your cat a regular amount of attention during the rest of the time that you are at home.

It is also a good idea to make sure that they are more stimulated at home while you are away. This can be done with puzzle toys, hammocks, etc. If the issue doesn’t go away, you may need to see a vet. In some extreme cases, your cat may be prescribed anti-anxiety medication.

Lack of Attention

Now, you may not be consciously withholding affection from your kitty. It could simply be that you have been quite busy and haven’t been able to spend as much time with your cat as usual. They may be trying to make up for this by being overly clingy.

The best way to handle this issue is to make more time for your cat. Make sure to engage them in meaningful ways and to play with them until they have had enough. Also, encourage them to cuddle with you when you are watching TV or reading a book. This should work to satisfy them.

Older Cats

As your cat gets older, they may feel unsettled by the world around them as they aren’t as fast, strong, or as capable as they once were. Due to this, they may seek comfort and shelter from you. This is especially true if they are experiencing vision or hearing loss or dementia.

If your cat is over the age of 7, schedule frequent appointment with the vets and maintain an appropriate diet. This may help you to anticipate problems or catch them early on. This way, you can provide your cat with whatever they need to ease their symptoms.

How to Reciprocate Your Cat’s Love

Many owners want to know what they can do to show their cat that they love them back. Well, the good news is that if your cat already loves you, you are doing a lot of things right!

Apart from this, it is all about figuring out what your cat likes and enjoys. Keep in mind, each cat can be quite different so you need to watch and learn how to make your cat happy. This could be petting, brushing, playtime, and more.

It is also important to pay attention to your cat, particularly when they are trying to capture your focus. This shows them that they are important to you and giving them the time that they require.

These are the top things to know about your cat loving you too much. As you can see, there are numerous causes – some which you should be addressing. In other cases, it is simply a matter of sitting back and enjoying your kitty’s affections. Oh, and make sure to show them how much you care right back!

avatar Noah
I’m Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). I’ve been a volunteer at Rex Animal Rescue for over 2 years. I love learning and writing about different animals that can be kept as pets. read more...

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