Pacman Frogs Make Noise: Vocalization of Horned Frogs

Pacman frogs are popular amphibian pets that can be found in many households. These fascinating creatures are known for their unique appearance and behavior. However, one common question that people have is whether or not pacman frogs make noise.

In this article, we will explore the different vocalizations of pacman frogs and give you some personal insights on their behavior.

Pacman Frog Vocalization

Pacman frogs are known for their distinctive vocalizations. As a frog owner, it is essential to understand their different sounds to communicate with your pet better. The most common vocalization of a Pacman frog is the “croak” sound. This noise is used by male frogs to attract females during mating season. The croak soundis low and deep, similar to the sound of a cow.

Another Pacman frog vocalization is the “scream” sound. This scream sound is often made during feeding time when they are excited about their meals. It is a high-pitched, sharp noise that can startle first-time frog owners. However, it’s normal and harmless behavior for a Pacman frog.

Lastly, Pacman frogs can make a “hiss” sound when they feel threatened or agitated. When they feel scared or threatened, they puff up their bodies, and air is forced through their throat, making a hissing noise.

Why Do Pacman Frogs Make Noise?

Pacman frogs make noise for a variety of reasons. As mentioned earlier, male frogs typically make a “croak” sound during mating season to attract females. This sound is their way of announcing their presence and assert their dominance over other males in the area.

Apart from mating season, Pacman frogs make a lot of noise when they are hungry. They make a “scream” sound to inform their owners that they are ready to eat. This behavior is particularly important among wild frogs where the loudest call means the first served.

Additionally, Pacman frogs can make a “hissing” sound when they feel threatened or agitated. This noise helps Pacman frogs defend themselves in the wild. However, in captivity, hissing may indicate that the Pacman frog needs more time to acclimate to its home.

Types of Pacman Frog Calls

Different species of Pacman frogs have unique calls that they use to communicate with others. Here are some of the most common types of calls made by Pacman frogs.

1. Leptodactylus Fallax

This species of Pacman frog is known for making a “bark” sound that resembles a dog’s bark. They use this sound to attract other frogs of the same species during mating season. The bark sound is a quick “woof-woof” that sounds similar to a domestic dog barking.

2. Ceratophrys Ornata

This species of Pacman frog makes a “squawk” sound when threatened or agitated. These sounds can be loud and harsh, which can startle predators or humans who are unfamiliar with them. The squawk sound is a single high-pitched note that lasts for a few seconds.

3. Ceratophrys Cranwelli

This species of Pacman frog is known for making a “croak” sound that is similar to the sound of a cow. The Croak sound is used to attract females during mating season. This species of Pacman frog can produce one of the loudest croak sounds from any species of Pacman frog.

4. Ceratophrys Aurita

This species of Pacman frog is famous for making a “trill” sound when they are threatened or agitated. The trill sound is a rapid series of high-pitched chirps that they make to confuse or scare predators. Some owners compare this sound to that of crickets chirping.

When Do Pacman Frogs Call?

Pacman frogs call for various reasons such as mating, communication, defense, and feeding. The most common time that a Pacman frog calls is during mating season. This period typically occurs during the rainy season when these frogs breed. During this time, male Pacman frogs use their croaking sound to attract females.

Apart from mating season, Pacman frogs call when they are hungry. Their scream sound is often heard during feeding time when they are excited and eager to eat. Some owners have even reported hearing their Pacman frogs scream before they’ve even opened their terrarium!

When Pacman frogs feel threatened or agitated, they make a hissing sound. This noise is their way of warning their predators or showing aggression towards their owner. Pacman frogs can detect vibration from the environment, which is why they may hiss even when they cannot see the threat.

Factors Affecting Pacman Frog Calls

Pacman frog calls can be influenced by different factors such as time of day or year, temperature, and humidity.

Temperature and humidity can affect a Pacman frog’s call. A warmer temperature can make a Pacman frog call more frequently, while a colder temperature can reduce frog calling activity. Humidity levels can also influence how often a Pacman frog calls. Higher humidity levels can increase the frequency of calls and vice versa.

The time of day or night can also impact a Pacman frog’s call. Pacman frogs are most active during the night, and it is during this time that they typically call. During the day, they tend to be less vocal and prefer to stay buried in their substrate or under their hiding place.

The breeding season also plays a significant role in Pacman frog calls. During the breeding season, they call more frequently and typically begin breeding activities at night when it’s cooler and more humid.

Lastly, other factors such as noise level or vibration can restrict Pacman frog calls. Pacman frogs are sensitive to vibrations and noise, which can disturb their behavior, including their calls.

Do Male and Female Pacman Frogs Sound Different?

Male and female Pacman frogs have different vocalizations, which can be used to differentiate their sexes. During mating season, male Pacman frogs make a low, deep “croak” sound to attract females. Meanwhile, females make a soft, distinctively different grunt-like call to indicate their presence.

Apart from mating season, male Pacman frogs tend to be louder and more vocal than females. Males can produce not only a croak but also a scream or squawk sound during feeding time or when threatened. In contrast, females tend to make fewer sounds and do not scream or squawk as males do.

The differences in vocalizations between male and female Pacman frogs can help breeders identify their sexes accurately. By listening closely to their calls, breeders can determine which frogs are male or female, making it easier to pair them up for breeding.

How Loud Can Pacman Frogs Be?

Pacman frogs are known for their loud and distinctive calls. These calls can vary depending on the species, sex, and time of day. Some Pacman frog owners might wonder how loud their pet can get.

Generally, Pacman frog calls range from 80 decibels (dB) to 90 dB, which is equivalent to the noise of a hairdryer. These calls can be heard from distances of up to 150 feet away. Certain species, such as the Ceratophrys cranwelli, can produce calls of up to 110 dB, equivalent to the noise of a chainsaw!

While Pacman frogs are capable of producing loud calls, the actual noise level in your home may vary depending on your terrarium’s size and the substrate used. A larger terrarium can help disperse the sound, reducing its volume. However, a smaller enclosure with hard surfaces will make it louder.

Fortunately, Pacman frog owners can control the noise level of their pet by regulating the temperature of their enclosure. Keeping the temperature of your terrarium low and using a substrate such as cork bark or coir can reduce the noise level of your Pacman frog’s calls.

Can Pacman Frog Noise Be Harmful?

Pacman frog noise can be loud, but it typically does not pose any threat to their owners. It is unlikely that a Pacman frog’s call would cause damage to human hearing.

However, constant and extreme noise exposure can cause stress and interfere with sleep patterns. If you have a noisy Pacman frog, it’s best to move the terrarium to an area of the house where the sound won’t be as disruptive.

Additionally, constant exposure to loud noises can be stressful for Pacman frogs themselves. If their enclosure is too small, a single frog’s vocalizations could disturb others, leading to unnecessary stress. Keeping your Pacman frogs in a large enclosure with plenty of hiding places and soft substrates can reduce noise levels and help keep your pets calm.


Pacman frogs are fascinating creatures that are known for their unique appearance and distinctive vocalizations. In this article, we explored the different types of sounds that Pacman frogs make, why they call, and the different factors that can affect their vocalizations.

We also discussed the differences in vocalizations between male and female Pacman frogs and the maximum loudness of their calls. While Pacman frog noise is not harmful, owners may need to regulate noise levels to avoid disrupting sleep patterns and potentially causing unnecessary stress to their pets.

By understanding Pacman frog calls and behaviors, owners can provide a comfortable and healthy environment for their pets, leading to a better relationship between owners and their Pacman frogs.

avatar Noah
I’m Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). I’ve been a volunteer at Rex Animal Rescue for over 2 years. I love learning and writing about different animals that can be kept as pets. read more...

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