Can Ferrets Eat Eggs? Do They Like Eggs?
Eggs are a perfect mix of amino acids and proteins, making them a staple food for obligate carnivores. Whether cooked or raw, eggs can be good treats for ferrets. But can ferrets eat eggs? Do they even like eggs?
Yes, ferrets can eat eggs and they really enjoy this food; in facts eggs are very important in their diet. In the wild ferrets often consume eggs, so you should consider giving eggs to your pet ferret regularly.
Read this artile to the end to see what type of eggs are perfect for ferrets and how to prepare one for your lovely pet.
Benefits of Ferrets Eating Eggs
Eggs are one of the original superfoods that are loaded with high-quality proteins, vitamins, and fats that your ferret needs. They contain antioxidants, minerals, and omega-3 fats that help ferrets keep a lean body and good health.
The egg consists of two parts: the yolk and the egg white. The choice of what part of the egg you should serve your ferret depends on what nutrients you want your pet to benefit from.
– Egg Yolk
Ferrets eat yolk. This part of an egg contains minerals such as calcium, thiamine, zinc, phosphorus, and iron; If your pet has weak limbs, or is anemic, you can scale up its body mineral contents by adding the yolk to its diet.
The yolk also contains Vital vitamins such as Vitamin A, B6, B12, D, E, and K that protect from various diseases and infections.
The yolk also contains a high concentration of biotin, a special kind of vitamin that helps ferrets convert nutrients from the digested food into energy.
Lastly, the yolk is also rich in special vitamins such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These two vitamins reduce the risk of ferret eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. While Omega-3 and Vitamin A protect from retina damage.
– Egg White
The egg white is the most important part of an egg as it mainly consists of high-quality proteins that your pet needs most.
In case your ferret is malnourished or underweight, add some eggs to its diet and you will see it increase weight in only a few weeks.
Also, the egg white contains an enzyme called avidin which binds biotin from the yolk to create sufficient energy.
Serving Eggs to Ferrets
Ferrets eat both cooked and raw eggs. However, it is best to serve a cooked egg to your small pet since cooking makes most ingredients in the egg digestible.
To ferrets, eggs are only incredible and better when cooked, as cooking makes the protein in the egg white digestible. Also, cooking kills bacteria that may harm the health of your ferret.
Otherwise, do not overcook since this may denature beneficial enzymes and eliminate some nutrients from the egg.
– Cooked Egg
Well, how you serve the egg to the ferret depends on how you cooked it—whether boiled or scrambled.
For boiled, simply cut the egg into slices. You can remove the egg white and slice it separately or simply piece the whole egg.
Start by serving your ferret its normal food. Then introduce the pieces of boiled eggs as treats. Eggs have high cholesterol levels that can make your pet overweight that is why it is best to serve them as treats.
– Scrambled Egg
Once you have scrambled and cooked the egg, pick a few pieces and add them to your pet’s food dish. Make sure that the amount you’ve placed is appropriate for your ferret’s dietary needs.
Too much scrambled eggs can also cause constipation in ferrets.
– Raw Eggs
Since you care for your pet, first make sure that the raw egg you want to serve is fresh by smelling it while breaking the shell. Collect the liquid egg in a bowl.
Then, start the process of feeding your ferret its normal diet. When it is almost full, introduce the bowl of raw eggs.
Watch the pet as it gulps the raw egg, making sure that it does not overfeed. Three or four spoonfuls of a raw egg are enough for an adult ferret.
What Type of Eggs Can Ferrets Eat?
Ferrets will accept mostly any type of egg, but there are a few that you can consider getting for your pet:
– The standard white eggs
These are regular eggs raised from white hens in a conventional housing system. They are your best pick when looking for safe and GMO-free eggs for your ferret.
– Standard brown eggs
These are also regular eggs raised from brown hens in conventional housing units. They are also free from GMOs and very safe for pet consumption.
– Free-run eggs and free-range eggs
These eggs are from hens raised in aviary, barns, or free-runs. They are also safe, GMO-free, and excellent for ferret consumption.
– Omega-3 eggs
These are eggs from hens that are on food with extra flax. They are best when looking for an anti-inflammatory food for your pet.
– Vitamin-enhanced eggs
These are eggs from hens that feed on higher amounts of specific vitamins. Some contain higher amounts of vitamin D, while some contain Vitamin E. They are best when your vet recommends serving your pet foods that contain specific vitamins.
Can Ferret Kits Eat Eggs?
Ferret kits need a properly formulated diet that provides all the necessary nutrients they need to grow. Yes, they can eat eggs, but in very small quantities. Also, do not make boiled or scrambled eggs your kit’s sole source of nutrients.
Since kits have digestive systems that are yet to develop fully, vets advise that you should not serve them raw eggs. Uncooked eggs can potentially contaminate the digestive system of a kit and cause bacterial diseases such as salmonellosis.
Do Ferrets Eat Egg Shell?
Ferrets do not and should not eat the eggshell unless it is powdered. First, eggshells can choke the young buddy and cause untimely death. Fragments of eggshells can also injure the esophagus and stick on the throat of your pet. Lastly, unwashed eggshells can cause salmonellosis.
Conversely, powdered eggshells contain a range of beneficial minerals, proteins, and vitamins that are healthy for ferrets.
Calcium carbonate, the most prevalent mineral in eggshells, is vital for bone formation and strengthening. A few spoonfuls of powdered eggshell is enough to cure your pet of weak bones and protect it from diseases such as scurvy.
The egg is not only a staple to humans; it comes with numerous benefits for ferrets. Whether boiled, scrambled, or raw, these foods are a good source of proteins that can potentially spruce up your ferret’s health.