Can Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis Live in Same Tank?

Guppies are colorful, diverse, and peaceful fish that will get along with just about any other fish species. That’s not to say they are compatible with all breeds since larger and more aggressive species may even hunt and kill guppies.

The dwarf gourami is another colorful, shy, and beautiful species that will bring a lot of diversity to your tank. It’s of similar size to an adult guppy, prefers similar environmental conditions, and shares the same dietary preferences.

Knowing these facts, are guppies compatible with the gourami?

Let’s have a look and see what we can find.

Can You Keep Guppies and Gouramis in the Same Tank?

The short answer is yes, you can. Both species are peaceful and non-combative, rarely showing signs of aggression or territorial behavior. They will most likely become more confrontational during mating if the food is scarce or the tank is small or overcrowded.

Other than that, the two species should get along just fine. Here are the 3 areas where guppies and gouramis share the most striking similarities:

– Habitat

Guppies are mostly tropical fish, preferring the warm waters in Guyana, Antigua, Virgin Islands, or Jamaica. They are, however, spread throughout the globe, as you can find them on pretty much every continent.

Guppies will prefer rivers with slow-moving streams, providing them with proper oxygenation, clean waters, and a stable living environment. Water temperature is key since guppies don’t fare well in cold waters. Their ideal water temperature range sits at around 72 to 80 degrees F.

The dwarf gourami doesn’t fall far from the guppy in terms of environmental preferences. You can find the gourami mostly in Southeastern Asia, populating vegetation-filled lakes and rivers.

Just like the guppy, the gourami also prefers stable and warm environments and is highly adaptable. However, gourami’s flexible nature has allowed it to adapt to a variety of environments, which is why you can find it spread all over the world.

As you can see, both species prefer warm waters with vegetation and temperatures ranging mostly between 70 and 80 F. This already makes them compatible, absent any other factor.

– Diet

Both guppies and gouramis have similar food tastes. Both species are omnivorous and enjoy eating plants and animal-based foods.

Guppies, for instance, are known, mosquito killers. They will not only consume the larvae but will hunt adult mosquitos as well. Guppies can jump out of the water and catch mosquitos in mid-flight with a proficiency that few other fish species can replicate.

Domesticated guppies have similar diets, just more diverse. You can feed them live food like brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, vinegar eel, flake foods, plants, and veggie paste for a diverse diet.

The dwarf gourami has similar food preferences. This species is also omnivorous, preferring a mix of animal protein and plant-based nutrients. You don’t need to feed them separately, which is excellent news when holding several fish species together.

Just make sure you don’t overfeed them to prevent health issues or water quality problems along the way.

– Temperament

Both guppies and the gourami are peaceful and non-combative species. They enjoy the company of other fish species and will get along with a variety of different tank mates.

There are, however, some instances when guppies and gouramis will become antagonistic towards one another. These include:

  • Overcrowding – Overcrowding can lead to fish aggression and stress. This is because your fish need space to feel comfortable and safe. An overcrowded tank will force the fish to run into each other constantly, increasing their irritability in the process. Overcrowding is also a concern for the tank’s environment since it will lead to excessive fish waste accumulation and lower oxygen.
  • Improper feeding – If you don’t feed your fish properly, they might turn on each other. No matter how friendly and peaceful guppies are, they can turn aggressive if they lack sufficient food. The same goes for the dwarf gourami.
  • Too many malesGuppy males tend to be more aggressive and pushier compared to females. Crowding too many guppy and gourami males together is a bad idea, especially if there aren’t enough females. As a general rule, 1 male for 3 females should suffice.

Are Gourami Fish Aggressive?

This is a genuine concern since guppies are peaceful fish and don’t do well with aggressive species. Many bigger and more aggressive fish species will attack the smaller and shier guppies; is this the case with the gourami?

No, because the gourami is a very peaceful breed. The dwarf gourami will grow up to 2 inches, pretty much the same as an average guppy.

The 2 species will get along just fine since they are compatible in pretty much all aspects.

Will The Gourami Eat Guppy Fry?

Yes, you should expect it to happen. Guppies give birth every month, with the female delivering between 20 to 200 fry. The fry will be so small that all fish will consider them food, guppies included.

This can be both good and bad, given the guppies’ high reproductive rates. If you want to keep the guppy population under control, having several gouramis in your tank will help. They will eat the excess fry, controlling the guppy population and avoiding overcrowding.

Instead, you should move the fry to a different tank if you want to keep the fry alive. Better yet, you can relocate the pregnant guppy female as soon as the labor kicks in. This will provide the guppy fry with a safe, comfortable, and peaceful environment where they can develop at their own pace.

I have written several articles on guppy breeding and how to keep the fry safe while boosting their growth. Check those out if you still have pending questions about the process.


Guppies and gouramis share similar environmental conditions and enjoy the same diets. They are compatible tank mates that will leave together in peace for a long time.

You can also add additional tank mates from different species if you’re looking for a plus of diversity. Don’t worry, whatever’s compatible with guppies is also compatible with the gouramis.

Here we include snails, shrimp, tetras, and many other species that are of similar size and show peaceful behavior.

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I’m Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). I’ve been a volunteer at Rex Animal Rescue for over 2 years. I love learning and writing about different animals that can be kept as pets. read more...

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